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Emergency Food


Updated: May 12, 2022

Do you need emergency food? Many people think they don't need emergency food because they have never experienced a time without a ready food supply.

Since the COVID pandemic though, things have been changing. The US Food supply chain is far less resilient than it was pre pandemic. If Rolling Stone Magazine is writing about emergency food, it might be time to rethink whether you need it. This is what Rolling Stone had to say "As we’ve all learned this past year, emergencies do happen. Some of us also had a rude awakening that we need to be better prepared in case of emergency — be it (another) epidemic, a natural disaster or a local conflict. One of the best ways to stay prepared is by stocking up on emergency food supplies."

Emergency food lasts anywhere between five and 30 years. Most of Secure Foods products have a 25 year shelf life. This is possible because the food is freeze-dried. During the freeze drying process, the liquid is subtracted from the food. Bacteria need liquid to survive so not only does the process stop the food from rotting, it also gives it the value of a very long shelf life.

Ensuring that you have a supply of long life freeze-dried food does not need to cost you a lot of money. In fact it may end up saving you money in the long run.

One of the best things about buying emergency food for your organization or for your family is that it can be stored in a cool place like a basement. No special refrigeration or other equipment is needed. Secondly because of its long shelf life, it can also be a form of savings account. Food inflation is running rampant at the moment. Food prices have increased more than 18% since may 2020. Over 10 years that is a huge difference in price. Buying now and storing food is a great way to beat inflation while at the same time buying yourself insurance against the unthinkable. Take a look at our Menus and Plans section for ideas on how you can mix and match to make interesting meals.

At Secure Foods, we design all our meals with a nutritionist. Why? Because most emergency meals are planned on an approximately 1,850 calories a day diet. Realistically if you are in an emergency, you are likely to be working hard to help your family and community recover and the advice for people working an 8-12 hour day is 2250 calories a day. All our menus are designed for 2250 calories a day consumption.

And here is one last thought. There is a good chance that you could get a tax write off. If you buy emergency food in the form of freeze-dried food, you can donate it after 10-15-20 or 25 years to a charity or to those in need and claim a tax write-off on the product. So no need to waste the food because it hits an end of life. Donate it well before the expiry date and do some good while receiving a tax write off in the process.

You can buy emergency food at Home Depot, Lowes, any office supplier, Target, Walmart, etc. These mass market type of retail stores don't usually stock an item unless it already has a roughly 10% market share. Food is sustenance and survival. Now might be a good time for you to reconsider your position on stocking some emergency food. Take a look at the Secure Foods Store where we stock all types of food, including kits for 72h, 4-7-14 and 30 days.



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by Forever Farms, LLC


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Highlands, NC 28741

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